上海的拼车出行 ridesharing in Shanghai

随着信息通信技术的发展,拼车、专车等共享出行模式在全球范围的逐渐成功,共享机动性(shared mobility)已被认为是与电动化(electric)、自动驾驶(autonomous)并列的三大交通发展趋势,将深刻塑造更高效和更可持续未来城市机动性模式。

Shared mobility such as carpooling and vehicle sharing is prevailing worldwide. It has been recognized as one of the three major transportation trends, along with electrification and autonomous driving. It will profoundly shape more efficient and sustainable future mobility patterns.

基于MIT Senseable City Lab 提出的“共享图模型”(Shareability Network),我们模拟了上海强生的所有出租车开展大规模拼车时,整个城市能够获得的效益。

Based on the “Shareability Network” model proposed by MIT Senseable City Lab, we simulated the benefits that Shanghai could gain from large-scale carpooling.



Using Shanghai as a case, we showed that ridesharing per se can reduce fuel-consumption (FC) by 22.88% and 15.09% in optimal and realistic scenarios, respectively, with corresponding emissions reductions. Ridesharing’s spontaneous first-order speed effect further reduces FC by 0.34%-0.96%.

Additionally, spatial analyses show that ridesharing reduces more emissions on severely polluted roads, leading to two spatial patterns; temporal analyses demonstrate patterns shifted from disorganized to organized. Both the phenomena can be explained by the aggregation of trips and the grading and topology of the roads.

Longxu YAN, Xiao LUO, Rui ZHU, Paolo SANTI, Huizi WANG, De WANG, Shangwu ZHANG, Carlo RATTI. Quantifying and Analyzing Traffic Emission Reductions from Ridesharing: A Case Study of Shanghai[J]. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 2020,89:102629.