外卖的均质化与再集聚 the online take-out



In China, the Internet is profoundly changing urban space, and a typical example is the takeaway service.

By comparing the spatial distribution of online takeout service and traditional restaurants, we may get a glimpse of the change.

城市尺度的均质化 Decentralization at city-scale


结果发现,在整个城市最核心的地区,外卖占比呈现一个整体连片的 “低—低” 分布模式,这意味着随着互联网形成的这一类O2O业态可能会呈现相当均质化的格局。

On the urban scale, the spatial distribution of online takeout is much more decentralized than traditional restaurants.
The spatial clustering analysis showed that the proportion of online takeout stores is significantly low, indicating that this kind of O2O (Online-to-Offline) business driven by the Internet may present a fairly homogeneous pattern.

实体店铺的空间分布 Traditional restaurants distribution
互联网外卖店铺的空间分布 Online takeout distribution

街区尺度的再集聚 Re-agglomeration at community-scale

更有意思的是,在街区尺度上(封面图),我们还观察到新业态的 “再集聚” 模式。

同时,“再集聚” 而不是彻底的分散说明,某种集聚动力(例如外卖配送能力的规模效益)也发挥了关键作用。

More interestingly, at the block scale (the cover figure), we observed a “Re-agglomeration” pattern.
The online takeouts are re-clustering on streets with lower accessibility and rents, and within residential plots.

This can be explained by the impact of the Internet, which has freed the takeout stores from the constraints of spatial accessibility. Meanwhile, the “re-agglomeration” rather than outright decentralization also suggests that some agglomeration dynamics (such as economies of scale in delivery) still play a key role.
